"Come, children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD."
-Psalm 34:12
Phone: (701) 772-2624
Mailing Address:
418 N. 6th Street, Grand Forks, ND 58203
Physical Address:
524 5th Ave. N., Grand Forks, ND 58203
"Come, children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD."
-Psalm 34:12
Bridge Builders is a group of people who believe that private school education is a good thing - that Catholic education at St. Michael's is a very good thing and should be made available to the young people of future generations. Bridge Builders was organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of North Dakota on October 30, 1974.
It is a group of people who contribute a little or a lot to a common fund which will guarantee a healthier St. Michael's School. It's an organization of friends of the school - parents, alumni, grandparents and neighbors from North Dakota and many other states.
The business of the Bridge Builders Club is conducted by a board of directors as stated in the bi-laws. Members themselves meet at the Annual Spring Membership Banquet & Business Meeting. Financial records are audited annually by a certified public accountant.
Bridge Builders Endowment Fund
Building Today for the Children of Tomorrow
The Bridge Builders Endowment Fund supports the Catholic Ministry of Education and Formation at St. Michael’s School. We recognize the value of educating God’s children, and members include anyone who has contributed a gift, pledge, or memorial to the fund.
Bridge Builders Endowment Fund is securely managed by the Catholic Development Foundation. All investments are scrutinized to be sure they are responsibly invested in companies that adhere to the moral principles of our Catholic faith. The business of the organization is conducted by a board of directors as stated in the by-laws. Members themselves meet at the Annual Spring Membership Banquet.
An endowment fund is a “forever giving” fund created by charitable donations. A portion of the earnings can be used for current school needs with board approval. The principal will be endowed forever. Anyone can contribute gifts of any size to an endowment fund; there are many ways to support it. Suggestions include:
Will Planning : Include the fund in your will.
Life Insurance: Name the fund as a beneficiary of any existing or new policy.
Outright Gifts : Cash gifts are an ideal vehicle for memorials, baptisms, anniversaries, special events, and year-end tax purposes.
Gifts of Property : Examples include real estate and investments (stocks and bonds).
We invite you to become a member by making a gift, pledge, or memorial in any amount to St. Michael’s Bridge Builders. Donations can be mailed directly to St. Michael’s Bridge Builders at the address below (envelopes are also available at all church entrances) or can be made securely online at https://cdfnd.org/donatenow (please indicate St. Michael’s Bridge Builders in the box next to the Endowment Gift).
Your charitable gift will secure the future of St. Michael’s School. It is a gift that keeps on giving and will live forever. Your gift may also offer economic and tax advantages. Please consult a tax preparer or financial advisor for your unique situation.
Membership Levels
ANGEL: Any amount up to $999
ARCHANGEL: $1000 to $2499
CHERUBIM: $2500 to $4999
SERAPHIM: $5000+
Contact Us
St. Michael’s Bridge Builders
Tom Gehrz, President
Diane Jilek, Executive Secretary
418 N 6th Street
Grand Forks, ND 58203
701-772-2624 Ext 111
524 5th Ave. N.
Grand Forks, ND 58203
Mailing Address:
418 N. 6th St.
Grand Forks, ND 58203
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