Men's Club

Men's Club


"Many are declared to be men of virtue: but who can find one worthy of trust? 
When a man walks in integrity and justice, happy are his children after him!"
-Proverbs 20:6


St. Michael's Men's Club is open to all men of St. Michael's Parish. As a group, we promote:


  • The spiritual life of each parish member, the parish, and works of charity.
  • Activities and programs for all members of the parish.
  • St. Michael's youth programs and activities.


We accomplish this in part by being Christian fathers in our homes, teaching and leading by example.


Another way of performing our mission is through fund raising events.  The Men's Club sponsors the Month of Money Raffle each year.  We sponsor and provide financial support for Pack #1 Cub Scouts and Troop #1 Boy Scouts. 


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