Phone: (701) 772-2624
Mailing Address:
418 N. 6th Street, Grand Forks, ND 58203
Physical Address:
524 5th Ave. N., Grand Forks, ND 58203
"Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks,
for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus."
-1 Thessalonians 5:17-18
Prayer partners are members of our St. Michael parish community who individually, in their homes or wherever they desire, pray for various needs in our parish, our Church, and the world. Prayer partners receive a list of petitions at the beginning of each month or liturgical season to guide them in their prayer. This ministry is a wonderful way to grow in your faith relationship with Christ while also praying for others.
If you are interested in becoming a Prayer Partner contact: Bernie Altendorf Click to Email Bernie Altendorf or leave a message for her at the Parish Office.
524 5th Ave. N.
Grand Forks, ND 58203
Mailing Address:
418 N. 6th St.
Grand Forks, ND 58203
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