RaiseRight Gift Cards

RaiseRight Gift Cards

"Contribute to the needs of the holy ones, exercise hospitality."
-Romans 12:13

Thanks for your interest in our RaiseRight Fundraising Program! (formerly known as Scrip)

Would you like an opportunity to help your Parish Community?   Start Shopping with Gift Cards purchased from St. Michael's!

Through the generosity of local and national businesses, St. Michael's is able to buy gift cards at a discounted rate through a program called RaiseRight, and sell them to you at face value!  These are the same gift cards you  purchase at the stores, however by purchasing them from St. Michael's, you are helping us raise funds for the parish community.   It costs you nothing extra.  Talk about shopping with a purpose!

We have physical cards for area businesses on hand and there's also a mobile app that can be downloaded to use on your smartphone. 

Use  the mobile app to purchase e-cards on the go!  Use in the store, restaurant, shopping online, traveling, or take a picture and "gift" to someone! 

Planning on Traveling?   Travel for business?   YES, there are e-cards (physical cards can be ordered for some) for Airlines, Air BnB, Cruises, Disney, hotels, etc. 

Do you pay monthly (or yearly subscription) to any of the following?    Hulu, Sirius XM , Amazon Prime Vudu , Paramount+ ?  Check out the list to see what's available.

Do you use Uber?   There's a card for that!

Note:  Reminder to always check with businesses to see if there are any restrictions before purchasing airline tickets, hotels, etc. 

Check out the lists below for participants.   

Local Physical Cards on Hand National List of Businesses E-Cards for Local Area Businesses   Available on App Examples of E-Cards for Travel   Available on the App
    How to Get Started Mobile App Video  

Where can I purchase the Gift Cards?
Purchase at the Parish Office (418 N. 6th St. - across the street from the church) or on the weekends after Masses.

How do I Pay?
In-person sales we accept cash or check.  OR download the mobile app, pay on the app, pick up at the Parish Office.
Mobile App:  Use your banking account; they charge a fee of 15 cents for each transaction; use your credit or debit account and they charge 2.65% on the app.

New to the Program?
Start using "RaiseRight" Gift Cards (instead of cash, check or credit card) for your purchases such as gas and groceries.  

  • Do you own a vehicle?   Instead of paying for your gas with a check, cash or a credit card, purchase a gift card from St. Michael's to use for your payment.   We have cards for M&H, Cenex, B&N  Oil, Simonson's, Holiday and Valley Dairy.  There are others on the National list for your travel.

  • Need groceries? We have gift cards from Hugo's, L&M Meats, Natural Grocers, Walmart, and Target.

Be creative and find more ways to benefit St. Michael's while you shop!   


  • We replenish local gift cards on Mondays. If you need a large number of cards, 5 or more of one kind,  please contact the Parish Office by 9:30 am Monday morning. (701) 772-2624 so we can make sure we have enough on hand.  Local businesses have asterisks* next to them on the Local Physcial Cards on Hand list .  We also place National Orders on Mondays.  We limit National Orders due to the cost of shipping, so please let us know if there is a particular card you need so we can include in our order.  

Scrip is a wonderful fundraiser for our parish that costs our parishioners nothing extra to participate and earn funds for our parish community.  We would like to increase involvement by making it easier for our parishioners and friends of the parish to purchase and use Scrip.   If you would like to volunteer to sell after Masses on the weekends, please send an email with your Name and phone # to: parishoffice@stmichaelsgf.com

A letter to St. Michael's Families from the Scrip Coordinator.

Thank you for supporting St. Michael's Church and School by "Shopping with RaiseRight!"

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